Refereed Journal Publications [N = 1]
Theses [N = 1]
Herring, R., 2022. Elucidating geomorphometric controls on Gulf of Mexico minibasin morphology [MS thesis]: Yonsei University.
Classified Reports [N = 1]
Unclassified Reports [N = 1]
Herring, R., Piliouras, A., Schwenk, J., Rowland, J., 2020. Autonomous Machine Learning Identification of Arctic River Ice via Sentinel-1 C-SAR, United States Department of Energy SULI, LA-UR-20-28771.
Student Publications [N = 2]
Research group members: †Postdoctoral researcher, ‡Postgraduate student, §Undergraduate student.
§Yun, E., Herring, R., Kim, W., 2022. Origin of the roughness transition in Gulf of Mexico minibasin bathymetry [BS thesis]: Yonsei University.
§Borja, M., Herring, R., Kim, W., 2021. Morphometric analysis and dimensional trends in Gulf of Mexico minibasin geometries [BS thesis]: Yonsei University.
First-Authored Conference Presentations [N = 14]
Fig. 1. Presenting my research on modelling the Mississippi River delta at the 9th Annual JSG Student Research Symposium, which earned an award for Outstanding Undergraduate Poster.
*Oral presentation
Research group members: †Postdoctoral researcher, ‡Postgraduate student, §Undergraduate student.
Herring, R., Kim, W., §Borja, M., §Yun, E., 2022. Elucidating geomorphometric controls on Gulf of Mexico minibasin morphology, 2022 American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Abstract EP22E-1386.
*Herring, R., Kim, W., §Borja, M., §Yun, E., 2022. Elucidating Linkages in Variations of the First Eccentricity and Rim Rugosity of Gulf of Mexico Minibasin Geometries via Geomorphometric and K-Function Cluster Analysis in Concert with Viscous Substrate Flume Experimentation, 2022 Gilbert Club Annual Meeting.
Herring, R., Kim, W., §Borja, M., 2021. Elucidating linkages in variations of the first eccentricity and rim rugosity of Gulf of Mexico minibasin geometries via geomorphometric analysis of bathymetric data, Korean Society of Economic and Environmental Geology Spring Geological Science and Technology Joint Conference, Abstract PL-6.
*Herring, R., Piliouras, A., 2020. Autonomous Machine Learning Identification of Arctic River Ice via Sentinel-1 SAR, 20th Annual Los Alamos National Laboratory Student Symposium.
*Herring, R., Piliouras, A., 2020. Autonomous Machine Learning Identification of Arctic River Ice via Sentinel-1 SAR, United States Department of Energy SULI.
Herring, R., Olariu, C., Helper, M., 2020. Deducing the Timing and Magnitude of Late Quaternary Mississippi River Deltaic Progradation and Retrogradation Coeval with the Waning Phase of the Last Glacio-eustatic Cycle by Modelling Volumetric Flooding Rate and Sediment Discharge Since the Cessation of the Late Wisconsin Glacial Stage, 9th Annual Jackson School Student Research Symposium, Abstract U-9.
Herring, R., Olariu, C., Helper, M., 2019. The Fate of the Mississippi River Sediment Amidst the Waning Phase of the Last Glacio-eustatic Cycle: A Volumetric Quantification and Modelling of Late Quaternary Deposition Coeval with the Cessation of the Late Wisconsin Glacial Stage, RioMAR 2019.
Herring, R., Olariu, C., Helper, M., 2019. The Fate of the Mississippi River Sediment During the Last Glacio-eustatic Cycle: A Volumetric Quantification, 8th Annual Jackson School Student Research Symposium, Abstract U-9.
Herring, R., Olariu, C., 2018. The Fate of the Mississippi River Sediment During the Last Phase of the Last Glacio-eustatic Cycle: A Volumetric Quantification, RioMAR.
Herring, R., Olariu, C., 2018. Calculation of the Volume of Late Quaternary Mississippi River Off Shelf Deposits, 7th Annual Jackson School Student Research Symposium, Abstract SHP-U.
Co-Authored Conference Presentations [N = 3]
Research group members: †Postdoctoral researcher, ‡Postgraduate student, §Undergraduate student.
Wu, C., Kim, W., Moodie, A., Cardenas, B., Herring, R., Dong, T., Ma, H., Tsai, F., Li, A., Nittrouer, J., 2021. Pace of Meandering and Avulsion Set River Sinuosity near Coast on Earth and Mars, 2021 American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Abstract EP31A-07.
§Yun, E., Herring, R., Kim, W., 202X. Origin of the roughness transition in Gulf of Mexico minibasin bathymetry, Yonsei University Department of Earth System Sciences Undergraduate Research Festival.
§Borja, M., Herring, R., Kim, W., 2021. Morphometric analysis and dimensional trends in Gulf of Mexico minibasin geometries, Yonsei University Department of Earth System Sciences Undergraduate Research Festival.