Researcher, Sep. 2023 – Present
Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences (DEEPS)
Brown University
Advisers: Samuel Birch
Researcher, Jul. 2022 – Sep. 2023
GOM/Chicxulub Research Group
Dynamic Stratigraphy Research Group
Institute for Geophysics (UTIG)
The University of Texas at Austin
Advisers: John Goff, Eric Prokocki, David Mohrig, Dan Duncan, Marcy Davis
Postgraduate Research Scientist (Intern), Jun. 2020 – Sep. 2020
Atmosphere, Climate, and Ecosystem Science Team (ACES)
Earth System Observations Group (EES-14)
Earth and Environmental Sciences Division (EES)
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Triad National Security
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)
United States Department of Energy (DOE)
Advisers: Anastasia Piliouras, Jon Schwenk, Joel Rowland
Researcher, Feb. 2020 – Jul. 2022
Morphodynamics and Quantitative Stratigraphy Research Group
Department of Earth System Sciences
Institute of Natural Science
Yonsei University
Adviser: Wonsuck Kim
Researcher, Aug. 2019 – Jun. 2020
GOM/Chicxulub Research Group
Quantitative Sedimentology Research Group
Institute for Geophysics (UTIG)
The University of Texas at Austin
Advisers: John Goff, David Mohrig, Eric Prokocki, Dan Duncan, Marcy Davis
Researcher, Jun. 2019 – Jun. 2020
Dynamic Stratigraphy Research Group
Department of Geological Sciences (DGS)
The University of Texas at Austin
Advisers: Cornel Olariu, Mark Helper, Ron Steel
GIS Programmer & Software Engineer (Intern), Jun. 2019 – Aug. 2019
Groundwater Advisory Unit (GAU)
Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC)
Supervisors: Norman Gearhart, James Harcourt, Royce Massey
Faculty Adviser: Cornel Olariu
Expedition Geophysicist/Crew Member & Team 3 Leader, May 2019 – Jun. 2019
Team 3
Marine Geology and Geophysics Expedition
GOM/Chicxulub Research Group
Institute for Geophysics (UTIG)
The University of Texas at Austin
Expedition Leaders: Sean Gulick, John Goff, Chris Lowery, Dan Duncan, Marcy Davis, Steffen Saustrup
Team 3 Crewmates: Chujie Liu, Tharit Tangkijwanichakul
Undergraduate Researcher, Jan. 2017 – Jun. 2019
Dynamic Stratigraphy Research Group
Morphodynamics and Quantitative Stratigraphy Research Group
Department of Geological Sciences (DGS)
The University of Texas at Austin
Advisers: Cornel Olariu, Mark Helper, Wonsuck Kim, Ron Steel
Undergraduate Research Collaborator, Jan. 2017 – Mar. 2017
Dynamic Stratigraphy Research Group
Department of Geological Sciences (DGS)
The University of Texas at Austin
Advisers: Austin Clayton, Cornel Olariu, Logan West
External Talks
Gilbert Club Annual Meeting, Berkeley, USA (11 Mar. 2022)
“Elucidating Linkages in Variations of the First Eccentricity and Rim Rugosity of Gulf of Mexico Minibasin Geometries via Geomorphometric and K-Function Cluster Analysis in Concert with Viscous Substrate Flume Experimentation”
American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA (16 Dec. 2020)
“Basinal dimensional trends in Gulf of Mexico minibasin geometry”
Los Alamos National Laboratory Student Symposium, Los Alamos, USA (14 Aug. 2020)
“Autonomous Machine Learning Identification of Arctic River Ice via Sentinel-1 SAR”
United States Department of Energy SULI, Los Alamos, USA (12 Aug. 2020)
“Autonomous Machine Learning Identification of Arctic River Ice via Sentinel-1 SAR”
Non-group, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, USA (5 Aug. 2020)
“Automated Identification of Arctic River Ice via Sentinel-1 SAR”
American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, USA (12 Dec. 2019)
“The Fate of the Mississippi River Sediment Amidst the Waning Phase of the Last Glacio-eustatic Cycle”
University Talks
Dynamic Stratigraphy Research Group, Austin, USA (02 Nov. 2022)
“Geomorphometric Controls on Gulf of Mexico Minibasin Morphology”
MS Final Thesis Defence, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (10 Jun. 2022)
“Elucidating Geomorphometric Controls on Gulf of Mexico Minibasin Morphology”
Morphodynamics and Quantitative Stratigraphy Research Group, Seoul, Korea (08 Jun. 2022)
“Elucidating the Geomorphometric Controls of Eccentricity, Rugosity, and Divergence Upon Gulf of Mexico Minibasin Morphology”
MS Pre-Defence, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (25 Apr. 2022)
“Positive Correlation Between the Eccentricity and Rugosity of Gulf of Mexico Minibasins”
Morphodynamics and Quantitative Stratigraphy Research Group, Seoul, Korea (06 Apr. 2022)
“Linking Eccentricity and Rugosity Variations of Gulf of Mexico Minibasin Geometries”
Yonsei University Frontier Seminar, Seoul, Republic of Korea (11 Mar. 2022)
“Elucidating Linkages in Variations of the First Eccentricity and Rim Rugosity of Gulf of Mexico Minibasin Geometries via Geomorphometric and K-Function Cluster Analysis”
Morphodynamics and Quantitative Stratigraphy Research Group, Seoul, Korea (25 Feb. 2022)
“Weighted K-Function Cluster Analysis of Geomorphometrical Parameters of Gulf of Mexico Minibasins”
Environmental Hydrodynamics Laboratory, Seoul, Korea (25 Oct. 2021)
“Deducing Subsurface Minibasin Halokinetic Architecture via Geomorphometric Analysis of Bathymetric Data”
Yonsei University Frontier Seminar, Seoul, Korea (01 Oct. 2021)
“Elucidating Linkages in Variations of the First Eccentricity and Rim Rugosity of Gulf of Mexico Minibasin Geometries via Geomorphometric Analysis of Bathymetric Data”
Morphodynamics and Quantitative Stratigraphy Research Group, Seoul, Korea (29 Jul. 2021)
“Morphometric Analysis and Basinal Dimensional Trends in Gulf of Mexico Minibasin Geometry”
Yonsei University Frontier Seminar, Seoul, Korea (16 Apr. 2021)
“Morphometric Analysis and Basinal Dimensional Trends in Gulf of Mexico Minibasin Geometry”
Morphodynamics and Quantitative Stratigraphy Research Group, Seoul, Korea (08 Apr. 2021)
“Morphometric Analysis and Basinal Dimensional Trends in Gulf of Mexico Minibasin Geometry”
Yonsei University Department of Earth System Sciences, Seoul, Korea (03 Apr. 2021)
“Morphodynamics and Quantitative Stratigraphy Laboratory: Research and Opportunities”
Morphodynamics and Quantitative Stratigraphy Research Group, Seoul, Korea (4 Nov. 2020)
“Autonomous Machine Learning Identification of Arctic River Ice via Sentinel-1 C-SAR”
Morphodynamics and Quantitative Stratigraphy Research Group, Seoul, Korea (8 Jun. 2020)
“Basinal Dimensional Variations in Gulf of Mexico Minibasin Geometry”
Morphodynamics and Quantitative Stratigraphy Research Group, Seoul, Korea (30 Mar. 2020)
“The Fate of the Mississippi River Sediment Amidst the Waning Phase of the Last Glacio-eustatic Cycle”
Dynamic Stratigraphy Research Group, Austin, USA (4 Dec. 2019)
“The Fate of the Mississippi River Sediment Amidst the Waning Phase of the Last Glacio-eustatic Cycle”
University of Texas Institute for Geophysics (UTIG), Austin, USA (10 Jun. 2019)
“Stratigraphic Interpretation of Corpus Christi Bay Area via MCS Seismic/CHIRP Data and Divulging the Geomorphological Impacts of Hurricane Harvey to the Coastal Environment”
103rd American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, Dec. 2022 (Presenter & Volunteer)
38th Gilbert Club Annual Meeting, Mar. 2022 (Speaker)
102nd American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, Dec. 2021 (Presenter)
Korean Society of Economic and Environmental Geology Conference, Jun. 2021 (Presenter)
SEPM International Sedimentary Geosciences Congress (ISGC), Jun. 2021
37th Gilbert Club Annual Meeting, Mar. 2021
101st American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, Dec. 2020 (Speaker & Presenter)
20th Annual Los Alamos National Laboratory Student Symposium, Aug. 2020 (Speaker)
9th Annual Jackson School Student Research Symposium, Feb. 2020 (Presenter)
100th American Geophysical Union (AGU) Annual Meeting, Dec. 2019 (Speaker)
RioMAR Annual Meeting, Dec. 2019 (Presenter)
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) SWS, Apr. 2019 (Presenter)
University of Texas Institute for Geophysics (UTIG) PLATES Symposium, Mar. 2019
50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC), Mar. 2019
8th Annual Jackson School Student Research Symposium, Feb. 2019 (Presenter)
RioMAR Annual Meeting, Dec. 2018 (Presenter)
Applied Geodynamics Laboratory (AGL) Annual Meeting, Nov. 2018
University of Texas Planetary Habitability Pop-Up Institute, Jun. - Jul. 2018
7th Annual Jackson School Student Research Symposium, Feb. 2018 (Presenter)
6th Annual Jackson School Student Research Symposium, Feb. 2017
4th Annual Titan Northeast Workshop, Oct. 2023
ArcGIS for Planetary Science, Mar. 2023
Machine Learning and Deep Learning for the Environmental and Geosciences, Dec. 2020
Python for Remote Sensing: Analysis, Visualization, and Workflow for Earth Scientists, Dec. 2020
EU-In-Time-Rise Workshop on Geochronology and Mars Exploration, Apr. 2019 (Session Chair)
Chaired session on Martian analogues.
Computer Software:
Remote Sensing: ENVI, Google Earth Engine, ESA SNAP.
Planetary: DRAG3D, shapeViewer, ParaView.
Geophysical Acquisition/Processing/Interpretation: Fledermaus, Landmark, Teledyne CARIS (HIPS & SIPS), Paradigm, QINSy, VMT, EdgeTech Discover, Fugawi, WinRiver II, Okular, Omniviewer.
Lidar: Agisoft Metashape, Leica Cyclone.
GIS: Esri ArcGIS (Pro, ArcMap, ArcScene, ArcCatalog, Collector), Global Mapper, QGIS.
Hydrological Modelling: HYDRUS.
Engineering CAD: Autodesk (AutoCAD, Inventor), Solidworks, PTC Creo, SketchUp.
Mathematics/Statistics: Mathematica, MATLAB, SPSS, Simulink.
Relational Database: Oracle, Access.
IDE: Spyder, Anaconda, JupyterLab, PyCharm (Professional), RStudio, TeXstudio, Texmaker, Overleaf.
Particle Analysis: GRADISTAT, Femto PSS.
Miscellaneous: Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator), Schlumberger BlueView, Neuralog, Vernier Logger Pro.
Programming Languages:
Python, MATLAB, FORTRAN, R, JavaScript, SPSS, SQL, VBA, Wolfram, Mathematica, LaTeX.
Operating Systems:
Other Technical Skills:
Skilled in machine learning and deep learning of satellite derived data.
Skilled in mathematics, including vector calculus and differential equations, as well as proof writing for non-Euclidean geometries.
Skilled in collecting, processing, and interpreting multibeam echosounder (MBES), side-scan sonar, multichannel seismic (MCS), and CHIRP Seismic data.
Skilled in conducting flume experiments of 3D minibasins, 2D/3D deltas, 2D/3D alluvial fans, 3D meandering rivers, 2D/3D aeolian bedforms, and 2D turbidity currents.
Skilled in numerical modelling and geomorphometric analysis.
Skilled in analysis of multispectral and hyperspectral data from the Earth, the moon, Mars, and Titan from wavelengths across the electromagnetic spectrum, including VNIR, thermal infrared, ultraviolet, and radar.
Skilled in deriving topography from Lidar and stereogrammetry, and in use of SAR and InSAR data.
Skilled in interpretation of remote sensing data, including via spectral mineralogy, environmental metrics such as NDVI/EVI, and spectral mixture analysis.
Skilled in collecting and performing sedimentological analyses on piston/push/box cores and grab samples.
Skilled in processing and interpretation of data obtained via wireline logging, including gamma ray, neutron porosity, electrical resistivity, spontaneous potential, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).
Skilled in various forms of engineering CAD software, 3D modelling software, and 3D printing, as well as machine shop work (mill, lathe, etc.).
Possesses strong knowledge of palaeontology and skilled at identifying fossils.
Non-programming Languages:
English (Native Speaker), 한국 (Formerly Intermediate: Spoken 2020 – 2022 [Lived in Korea for 2.5 years to attend postgraduate school and completed coursework taught in Korean for my MS]), Русский (Limited: Spoken 2021 – 2022), Deutsch (Limited: Spoken 2019 – 2020), Français (Formerly Intermediate: Spoken 2009 – 2012 [Completed French Language Coursework in grades 8 – 10]), 廣東話 (Formerly Native Speaker: Spoken 1997 – 1998).
samlab (Geomorphology Research Group), Aug. 2023 – Present
Brown University of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences Research Group
Quantitative Sedimentology Research Group, Aug. 2019 – Jun. 2020
The University of Texas Department of Geological Sciences Research Group
GOM/Chicxulub Research Group, Aug. 2019 – Sep. 2023
The University of Texas Institute for Geophysics Research Group
The University of Texas Centre for Planetary Systems Habitability (CPSH), Jun. 2018 – Present
Successful interdisciplinary effort to establish a Centre for Planetary Systems Habitability at The University of Texas
Morphodynamics and Quantitative Stratigraphy Research Group, Oct. 2017 – Aug. 2022
The University of Texas and Yonsei University Research Group
RioMAR Consortium, Jan. 2017 – Jun. 2020
Research consortium between the Colorado School of Mines, The University of Texas, and Yonsei University
Steel Research Group (Dynamic Stratigraphy Workgroup), Jan. 2017 – Present
The University of Texas Department of Geological Sciences Research Group
Brown University Astronomy Club, Apr. 2024 – Present
Brown University GeoClub, Sep. 2023 – Present
The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental Geology (KSEEG), Jun. 2021 – Jul. 2022
European Astronomical Society (EAS), Feb. 2021 – Present
Royal Astronomical Society (RAS), Oct. 2020 – Present
Fellow (FRAS)
The University of Texas Mathematics Club, Oct. 2019 – Feb. 2020
Geoscience Ambassadors, Sep. 2019 – Feb. 2020
Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts University of Texas Student Chapter, Feb. 2019 – Feb. 2020
American Geophysical Union (AGU), Nov. 2018 – Present
Texas Geophysical Society (TGS), Aug. 2018 – Feb. 2020
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) University of Texas Student Chapter, Aug. 2018 – Feb. 2020
Geoscience Leadership Organization for Women (GLOW), Aug. 2018 – Feb. 2020
Geological Society of London, Oct. 2017 – Present
Fellow (FGS)
Undergraduate Geological Society (UGS), Jun. 2017 – Feb. 2020
American Association of Drilling Engineers (AADE) University of Texas Student Chapter, Aug. 2015 – Jun. 2017
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) University of Texas Student Chapter, Aug. 2015 – Jun. 2017